Navigating Conversations on Racial Justice

Navigating Conversations on Racial Justice with Your Funders, Community Members and  Colleagues for White Allies in the Nonprofit Sector:

A Workshop on Community Centric Fundraising Principle #6

Dates: Thursday May 23rd and June 6th 10am - 12pm PST all sessions recorded
Register Now

What would be possible for our relationships and communities if we courageously address the topics we've been avoiding? Successful movements require challenging conversations - what would be possible if we could get through those moments in a generative and loving way? What does it look like to have some of the conversations we’ve been avoiding or are afraid to have?

Join us for the launch of a two-part series on difficult conversations, centered around principle #6 of the Community Centric Fundraising principles. These transformative workshops will take place on May 23rd and June 6th, from 10-12pm PST. 

Many of us shy away from challenging conversations, fearing potential strain on relationships with donors, colleagues, or friends. As a result, embracing this principle often proves to be one of the most daunting yet impactful steps in our journey.

To enact meaningful change, we must confront the characteristics of white supremacy culture that perpetuate fear of conflict, perfectionism, and the pressure to always be "nice." By shattering our fragility, we unlock the path to liberation and authentic connection.

Are you:

  • …hesitant to speak up, unsure of your language or analysis?
  • …afraid to lose funding by addressing systemic oppression with funders? 
  • …nervous to say ‘white privilege, racism and bias’ in conversation?
  • …implementing community-centered (CCF) principles internally and not sure how to share that with the board, donors and others?
  • …committed to doing the hard emotional labor of figuring this out in service to being a more reliable white ally? 

Rachel D’Souza's article, "Bringing Donors into the Movement," serves as a powerful call to action, particularly for white individuals engaging with white donors and funders. 

Join us for an opportunity to embark on this deeply personal and professionally transformative journey. This workshop is open to all nonprofit staff, not just those directly in fundraising. Together, let's commit to the hard but necessary emotional labor of becoming more reliable allies in service to justice and equity.

*While this isn’t an intro to CCF we welcome white folks who are on a journey around anti-racism work.


For Navigating Conversations on Racial Justice

for aspiring white allies in nonprofits

About Michelle Muri

Ignited by a beautiful volunteer experience, Michelle has crafted her career through 15 years of resource generation through social justice movements. Her successes and tenure at Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, now the largest immigrant rights org in the nation, fostered a critical lens towards fundraising and a deep love of community solidarity.
She believes there is deep power and personal healing in the work of generating resources from a values-aligned space.

Michelle is the founder of Freedom Conspiracy and Co-Founder of Community-Centric Fundraising.